This week Jupiter, the planet of Luck and Success, has its annual conjunction with the Sun. As it seems from Earth, Jupiter now is “behind” […]
The Month of Nobility Begins
This week the Sun changes its location in the skies (as it appears to us from Earth) and enters a new astrological realm – the […]
Venus, Saturn and the Gang…
We already know that Venus’ retrogression is affecting us harshly these days (and until September 6th), but what we should also notice is that Venus’ […]
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury have a Triple Conjunction, and Logic Wins!
This week the celestial bodies are quickly changing places in the skies, creating a special dance in which Venus and Mercury both conjunct Jupiter whilst […]
Life on Other Planets
Isn’t it amazing that in such proximity to the time that Pluto was touched by the New Horizon – real and broad new horizons open […]
Pluto and Charon
These last years of astronomical research have clearly shown us that we should reconsider what we know about our solar system, and be open to […]
Pluto is the highlight these days, and is worth giving it your attention. NASA is receiving, for the first time, pictures of Pluto and its […]
The Center of the Milky Way and its Affect upon Us
The center of the Milky Way can be located on a person’s chart and it has a lot to say about that person’s life-long quest. […]
Changing Places
After the dazzling conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, Venus is now hurrying to get away from Jupiter as fast as possible. Each evening Venus will […]
A Quick Celestial Over-View
Jupiter and Venus will be in full conjunction on Wednesday, July 1st. If the skies are clear you will not be able to miss these […]