
Karni’s Weekly Forecasts


  Element: water Governing planets: Neptune, Jupiter Number: 12 Tarot card: Prince of cups Higher Arkana: the Hanged Man (self sacrifice) Gems: Aquamarine, Amethyst Realms: […]


 Gemini – the Twins Element: air Ruler planet: Mercury Color: green Number: 3 Tarot card: the Empress Stone: Krisocola   Gemini are for ever young. At […]

Balancing Libra

Element: air Cardinal sign Numerology: 7 Ruler: Venus Domain: partnership, Intimate relationships, marriage. Libras are people of parity and intimate relationships. They are harmonious and love […]


Element: Air Fixed sign Numerology: 11 Rulers: Jupiter, Uranus Gemstone: Aquamarine Aquarius is situated towards the end of the zodiac; if we describe the zodiac […]

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