The Flame – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between April 13 – May 13
This is a very unique eclipse season. The Lunar Eclipse of November 18th and Solar Eclipse of December 4th will both occur when the Sun resides in your astrological realm. These are rare and special times indeed, creating a unique cosmic doorway enabling you to solve many issues from the recent past, and even from past lives.
This time is full and mighty, blessed with much energy, but also with many challenges and mirrors. The idea is to look into these mirrors and ask yourself what new patterns you can adopt that will help you do things differently this time. This is a time of development and change, if you will allow it, And a time of real break-throughs, healing and growth.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture)
The Key – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between May 14 – June 14
This is a more introverted, meditative time, and it may seem as though not much is happening on the surface, but actually you are preparing yourself for your next solar year that will begin with your birthday time. During this time, and due to the coming Lunar Eclipse of November 18th and Solar Eclipse of December 4th, you have the opportunity to close things from the past and release different fears and constraints that are embedded deep in your subconscious. Dealing with these fears and constraints, realizing them, facing them and shedding them is a beautiful way to prepare yourself, so you may come to the next solar year lighter and more capable.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).
The Exchange – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between June 15 – July 15
The Sun now resides in your astrological House of Vocation, and will be there through the eclipse season. This is a very important time of facing the different challenges that have prevented you till now from being in your vocation, realizing and accomplishing it. Try to stay focused during this time on that which is important – the way that you can make waves in this world, imprint your signature and help other people on the way. See the obstacles as challenges to overcome and lessons to learn. Don’t let things stop you. Find new ways to develop and deal with things, as new pathways can be found these days.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).
Giving – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between July 16 – August 15
The Sun now resides in your astrological House of Work, and will be there through the eclipse season. With the coming Lunar and Solar eclipses, this is a very special time of learning about devotion and commitment. This is a time in which you can manifest many things, but it will need hard work and long-term vision. Don’t let things get in the way between you and that which you have decided you want to do. This is a time to fortify your determination and build a stronger character that will serve you on the continuation of the journey.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).
Nobility – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between August 16 – September 15
This is a time of freedom, space and curiosity. Allow yourself to explore the world, learn new things and broaden the scope. Allow yourself to go with the flow and your intuition, as much as possible, leaving behind plans and agendas. The Sun now resides in your astrological House of Expanding Horizons, and will be there through the eclipse season. This the perfect time to learn things about the meaning of true freedom, and to allow yourself to achieve freedom from some constraints that have prevented you from feeling, acting and being free.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).
Abundance – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between September 16 – October 16
This is a very mystical time with possibilities for high and deep spiritual connections. Something in you wants to keep the tangible world away, and to focus on the transcendent, and for now this is the right thing to do, as much as possible of-course. Together with the eclipse season now taking place it is a very insightful time, in which you can really connect to your divine abilities and re-ignite your spiritual quest. Make the best of this time.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).
Creation – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between October 17- November 14
The Sun now resides in your astrological House of Love, and will be there through the eclipse season. This is a time to focus on your partnerships and your love life. Everything to do with couple-ships is amplified these days, and you have the ability to see your own emotional and social patterns clearly. This is a time of development and change concerning matters of the heart and also working with other people in a team. Due to the force of the eclipse season and the coming Lunar eclipse that will take place when the full and eclipsing Moon is going to be in your own astrological realm (!!) you can now change old paradigms concerning relationships, and create new thinking and emotional patterns which will better serve you towards accomplishing your desired relations.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).
The Gate – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between November 15 – December 14
The Sun now resides in your astrological House of Balance and Health, and will be there through the eclipse season. This is the time to put things in their right place. This is the time to tidy the home and office, but also to tidy thoughts and emotions, as much as possible. As things become cleaner – you will feel physically and emotionally better.
Due to the power of the eclipse season this is the time to change for the better your self-management habits. This is the time to create a new order in the house, find new and improved ways of daily maintenance and find new patterns to keep your health in better shape.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).
Flexibility – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between December 15 – January 13
The Sun now resides in your astrological House of Self-Expression, and will be there throughout the eclipse season. This is a very energetic, vigorous time. These days it is important to allow yourself full expression and bring forward your skills. This is the time to learn to really enjoy life, appreciate it, and participate in it. Due to the coming lunar and solar eclipses this is also a very special time in which you can fortify your self-confidence by finding ways to express yourself and bringing yourself forward. This is a time of healing to do with self-confidence, that will bring forth your leadership abilities.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).
The Diamond – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between January 14 – February 12
This is a time to slow down and focus more inwards. You learn to give the needed attention to your home, family and your own emotions. This is a time of connecting to your inner child as well. A time of close, and warm connections to kin and companions.
The Sun now resides in your astrological House of Family, and will be there through the eclipse season. Due to the coming lunar and solar eclipses, this is a very special time of break-throughs: a time of a possible re-writing of childhood memories, of re-writing our prints and patterns concerning family, children and parenthood. This is a time for possible inner changes, replacing old emotional patterns with new, more promoting ones.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).
The Waterfall – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between February 13 – March 13
Jupiter and the Sun are blessing your astrological House of Finance this week – and this is a very useful and practical bliss – allowing you to take some wonderful financial decisions and steps. This is a great time for business, for building things and for financial investments. If you are not involved in finance, building or the business world – this is still a great time to build a new approach towards the tangible world – a healthy approach that would allow you to flourish in this territory and feel comfortable with it. Astrological Card (to meditate upon – The Tangible (2nd House).
The Lake – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between March 14 – April 12
The Sun now resides in your astrological House of the Tangible, and will be there through the eclipse season. This period of time teaches you much about grounding and establishing things. This is a time of facing reality and dealing with it; a time to build strong foundations that will serve you later on, when you build the important things of your life. Things may seem to work slower, be more difficult, but actually there is much progress made during this time. This is the time to learn about responsibility and stability. If you use this time wisely and seek the opportunities to do things in a thorough way, you will build in yourself character that will last for the rest of the journey.
Astrological card to meditate upon to help with the needed break-throughs and healing during this time – the Dragon’s Head (see picture).