
Full Lunar Eclipse, April 4th

lunar-eclipse-wp-5Twice a year, for a few weeks, the Earth, the Sun and the Moon are in perfect alignment, like on a billiard table.  This is a very special time, and the astronomical result of this alignment is that during these two periods there will be lunar and solar eclipses, to some degree.

After the solar eclipse we just had only a week ago, we are now heading towards a full lunar eclipse.



Total Lunar Eclipse – where can it be seen?

The eclipse will begin at 10:15 UTC, will be total 11:57 – 12:12 UTC (at the places the total eclipse can be seen as marked on the map)  and will end at 13:44 UTC. If these times are night time where you live – you’d be able to see the eclipse!


Stars_Posters3What Does the Lunar Eclipse Mean Atrologicaly? 

The 3 major celestial bodies are The Sun, The Moon and Earth. All with huge astrological impact.

The Sun and the Moon are two major forces, opposing yet complimentary. They symbolize the conscious and subconscious, the adult and the child, the logic and the dream, the Ying and Yang and much more.

And between these two oppositions – there’s Earth.

The Sun is the transmitter, the Moon is the receiver, and Earth, our beautiful blue planet, is the conductor. Earth processes these two opposing powers, the electro-magnetic power of the dance between the Sun and the Moon, and the result of it is all the life upon it.

The alignments between these three great bodies (the Sun, the Moon and Earth)are known years in advance and appear in the personal astrological chart as the True and South Nodes – known in so many cultures as the Dragon’s Head and the Dragon’s Tail.

In this current lunar eclipse the Moon will conbjunct the Dragon’s Tail – which represens our deep past, and the Sun will conjunct the Dragon’s Head – representing the future before us.

The Lunar eclipse is a time to detach from our history, from our old prints, from our fears, mistakes and the paths that do not serve us anymore.
This year the eclipses occur very close to the equinox – and reinforce the great opportunity for a total re-start and a fresh beginning, heading the future…


Picture: The Moon, from Karni Zor’s Astrological Crads deck. Iluustrated by Maya Toby.




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