
Juggling – Mars in the Realm of Exchange

This week the red planet Mars is entering a new Astrological Realm – the Realm of Exchange, where it will reside for the next two months.

Mars , one of our two closest celestial neighbors, is named after the Roman god of war. Its location affects the way we DO things.

Every two months or so, Mars travels to a different astrological realm. It completes a cycle of the whole Zodiac every two and a half years. In every realm Mars allows us an opportunity to undertake things in a different fashion. The location of Mars has a unique affect on each of the 12 astrological clans and will also generate a more general influence, affecting world-wide events.

Mars in the Realm of Exchange raises creativity levels and allows us to do many things together. It inspires and allows much productivity to come out of the inspiration. It might be difficult now to focus on only one thing to do, but it is a very good time to plant many seeds of action, which will need their cultivation later on this year…

It does not allow us to rest, as it is bubbly and vibrant.

In the global view we might see many organizations getting into action, many projects popping up. It would seem that each one is very different and each is pulling in its own direction, a bit chaotic, and yet – with many starters and much activity there is always hope.

If we start to read between the lines we also realize that Mars enables us an opportunity to do things in a different fashion every once in a while, as it travels the zodiac. We, and the world around us, actually have a cycle of action that dances and coincides with our born tendencies and our unique natal chart.

If we start to monitor Mars’ cycle, we will also realize that there are times in which we are more active, and times in which we are less active.  There are times in which we prefer to work alone and times when we’d want to work in a team. There are times in which we do much, and times in which we only manage to do little, times of more and less focus and so on. Knowing that can really help us better understand ourselves and our own cycles, to better plan our lives and be a bit less harsh upon ourselves and others. And with this cycle of activity we can also start to develop more variety and more skills in the way we do things.

You can read more about Mars’s affect upon you and your astrological clan, now in your elaborated weekly forecast.

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