
Mars’ Retrograde – Find New Ways of Doing Things

MarsIt actually begins today – Mars starts its backward movement (as it seems to us) in the skies.

And today it dawned on me – that this might actually be a wonderful opportunity !

Yes – we know all about how Mars’ retrogression messes up our ability to do, and makes us militant and competitive (to read more about this click  here), but perhaps there’s a bright side even to Mars?

While Mars – conduit of DOING – is retrograding, perhaps we can “go with the flow” and do things in other ways?

Just as Mercury’s retrogression is a good time to thinks things over, re-think about things and change thinking paradigms, Mars’ retrogression is a great opportunity to find new ways of doing things and changing our usual patterns.

So we have a double job to do here –

YES, we need to avoid Mars’s traps, be more patient and careful,

But  we can  ALSO  try to change our usual behavioral patterns and start doing things in a new way. This is an excellent gateway for development, and Mars – at this time, can actually help us.

With Mars retrogression our usual way of doing things – JUST WON’T WORK.

And instead of getting angry at the fact that things don’t go the way we want them to, we might choose to look at the stoppers as signs. Signs of the fact we are, once again,  retreating into our regular patterns, and signs that we need to find new ways of handling things, doings things, and thus moving forward.

When things go smoothly – there’s no chance of development. Only when things don’t work out do we have the opportunity to look at the situation, adapt our selves, change and actually develop.

So – can we look at Mars’s retrogression as a GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR CHANGE?




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