
Re-Think It!

(Picture: Mercury card from the Holistic Astrological Card deck by Karni Zor. Illustrated by Maya Toby).

The Sun is in the realm of Creation, and this is the time to understand that our thoughts have a very effective power. A power to create our reality. This is the time also to pay close attention to what we think – do we really want our thoughts to create our reality?

By “coincidence” Mercury, Planet of Thought is also travelling now through the realm of Creation, starting its retrogression on Monday, October 21st. This is another good reason to monitor our thoughts – because due to Mercury’s retro, our thoughts may be confused and vague.

And not only that – Saturn, Lord of Karma, is also in the realm of Creation – asking us to take our thoughts seriously and reminding us of the deep effect of our thoughts and their consequences.

Not only our thoughts should be double checked but also our words in these very tricky times!

What we think effects our reality –

What we say effect others’ reality as well! 

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