
The Astrological Realm of The Lake


If you thought we’re towards the end of Pisces, you’re up for a surprise! Because if you follow the “New Astrology” you actually know that the Sun will only entered the sign of Pisces in the skies at March 13. 25 days later than most astrologers assume…

For 2,000 years constellation Pisces is the constellation behind the sun on the most important day of the equinox (just around the corer), again – not as most astrologers would tell you. Most astrologers would say that at the day of the Equinox Aries is aligned to the Sun, but – hey! Look it up yourself in your smart-phone with any application that shows the position of the stars…

And being the first constellation of the yearly astrological cycle (beginning at the day of the Equinox) it “colors” the current Astrological Age – the Age of Pisces. 

It all began with the rise of the Pisces age at just about the time of the birth of Christianity. The New Testament is filled with stories of miracles concerning fish, life near the lake, baptism and walking on water. Jesus Christ brought to the world the message of love, feelings and and non-reactivity; all manifestations of the frequency of the Pisces constellation.

The name “Pisces” was given to the constellation by the Egyptians. Pisces appeared in Egyptian mythology as the fish eating Osiris’ (the main god/king deity)  flesh, making it impossible for him to manifest again in human form.For the Egyptians the constellation of Pisces represented the death of the physical body and the afterlife, as the soul continues on to the more transcendent realms.

In the journey of re-naming the astrological signs to better fit the current astrological era we’re in,  I have named the astrological realm that houses the constellation of Pisces “The Lake”. The new name is trying to preserve the main feature of this unique constellation, while de-bunking it from irrelevant features that just do not fit as the ages move on.

“The Lake” has to do with our emotions, represented as the water element, in their more fluid, changing form (the mutable form). And it symbolizes the ability to absorb and take in inspiration and spirituality in a way that can change our lives. Just as the Lake takes in the different steams and rivers that flow into it, which merge together and make the lake to what it is.

The Realm of the Lake talks about the sensation of unity, being one with everything and finding ourselves changed by the universe, formed by it and being one with it; being a part of something vast.

(Pictures: Pisces and The Lake cards, from the Holistic Astrological Card Deck by Karni Zor. Illustration: Maya Toby-Raveh).

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