
The Sun in Alignment with the Astrological Realm of the Lake

Every now and then you read an article here saying “the Sun is in Alignment” with this or that astrological realm. This month, for example, (between March 14th and April 12th) the Sun creates an alignment with the constellation Pisces / the Realm of the Lake. But – What does this even mean? What does it mean that the Sun creates an alignment with a constellation, and what is the significance of that alignment ?

Well, isn’t it correct that at night time there are stars “behind” the moon? Well,  in the same manner, if only we could see it, we would  see that “behind” the Sun there are stars as well. And just as the Moon travels the sky during the month, having a different group of stars behind it, so does the Sun, in a way. In the case of the Sun it is actually Earth that revolves around the Sun, and as it does the Sun would appear to us as slowly travelling in the zodiac, shifting a bit day by day, and in the background of the Sun there is a whole different constellation every month. The way to grasp it might be imagining yourself walking around your cup of coffee, looking at it from every angle of the 360 degrees. At one time the cup would be in the background of the kitchen, at another – of the living room, it all depends on the alignment created between yourself, the cup, and its background. All dependant on your own point of view.

And why would the background of the Sun be of such importance? Well, these days, in the days of the “selfie” it is actually easy to explain. Isn’t it right that the background is actually everything? People take pictures of themselves. Well, the person doesn’t  really change from picture to picture (although of course this is not really so). It is the background that matters – is it in a field of flowers? Or by the beach? Or perhaps just in front of the Eiffel Tower, or the Statue of Liberty. It is the surroundings, the background, the set-up that make the whole difference in the picture.

When we come to the background of the Sun , in every astrological month, we are not just talking about a view, weather, history (as a location on Earth would) we are actually talking about tremendous celestial powers, beacons of light and very powerful frequencies, that our Sun is bathed in during that specific month, and is then transmitting to us, here on planet Earth.

And that is why the alignment created between the Earth, the Sun and a different constellation each month, is tremendously important and influential.


So – as said before, this time of year the Sun is in alignment with the constellation Pisces, which is the sign-post to a whole realm that is way vaster then the stars there visible to our eyes. A realm I call the Realm of the Lake.

Each Astrological Realm is a territory that allows us to connect to the stars, learn from them, absorb their intelligence and gifts and mostly – a territory that allows for the human to embark on a different facet of their own personal and spiritual development.

When the Sun is in alignment with the Realm of the Lake we go through the spiritual development pathway that allows us to see the bigger and wider picture. Just as the Lake is the combination of all its small ingredients (the water, different fish, multitude of flora…) so can we start to see our own life and everything around us not as small different incidents, but as a grand whole. In the personal level – this is the time when all our little stories come together to create a bigger journey, with all our struggles and joys forming us to what we are today.  On another human level – there is the possibility to see the different individuals, of different genders, cultures, skin-color, points of view, political agendas, as part of a greater humanity. On a universal level – it is time to remember that just as all the cells of our body create our flesh – so does all you see around you, including you, your neighbor, the plants around you, the stars in the sky – create the universe.

There is much more to discover, and feel, when you allow the intelligence of the Realm of the Lake to run though you. Feel free to find more examples, add insights and share your own research in this field – of seeing and sensing the greater picture.



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