
The 12 Developmental Pathways

The KeyThe First Pathway – The Key

Ancient name of Constellation – Taurus

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – May 16 – June 15

The Key is the developmental path of always searching for the origin of things. It is connected to the highest and most unperceived of all natural laws—the Law of One: a law we cannot grasp, but are always searching for. People that are born to this clan can develop in them a strong quest for truth. This constant search for the origin of things creates a rod through which new knowledge can arrive to earth.


givingThe Second Pathway – Exchange

Ancient name of Constellation – Gemini

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – June 16 – July 16

Exchange is the developmental pathway that involves the exchange of knowledge, feelings, impressions, and ideas—with other people, with nature or with the unseen world. The longing and exchange going on between the two parts leads to a continuation of inspiration and accomplishment, and this allows the movement and development of life itself. This path develops, amongst other things, the humility of knowing that sometimes that which we need is outside of us. This search and acceptance of new things creates an invitation that allows the flow of the future into the world.


givingThe Third Pathway – Giving

Ancient name of Constellation – Cancer

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – July 17 – August 17

The Giving pathway is about developing the ability to give to others that which we have been seeking for, accomplishing, learning or working for.

People of the Giving clan will need to learn how not to keep the treasures for themselves, but to be generous enough to share with the human race. By giving that which they have, they make themselves available again for the new that wants to enter.

The people who have undertaken this path of development can help the advancement of the human race by bringing to it new things, teachings things they have already worked at and helping others on their path of development by giving the right advice and tools.


38_ec8164eb3e4bddf76ef1b8eb564b9514The Fourth Pathway – Nobility

Ancient name of Constellation – Leo

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – August 18 – September 17

As life rushes in, we need to find our inner core. The Nobility pathway teaches us the noble quietness of keeping to our course, keeping aligned, and keeping clean. People of the Nobility tribe need to learn to be self-maintained and centered, sticking to their core and principles.

Whilst achieving the steadiness that goes with this pathway they can radiate calmness and steadiness to their surroundings, providing security and calmness to the world.


abundanceThe Fifth Pathway – Abundance

Ancient name of Constellation – Virgo

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – September 18 till October 17

The Abundance developmental pathway teaches us to recognize the treasures around us and to appreciate the multitude of possibilities. As we enjoy the Abundance, recognize and thank God’s grace—we allow it to continue pouring in – to us and to the whole of humankind and the universe.


creationThe Sixth Pathway – Creation

Ancient name of Constellation – Libra

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – October 18 – November 16

The Creation development pathway is about initiating new things. It is about developing creativity as well as the responsibility to maintain the new creation.  People of this clan, doing the right work, or people who take on this developmental pathway without being born in this realm, are people who will create new things in this world – beginning with the idea and completing it with full manifestation of a creation that can be maintained.


heavensgateThe Seventh Pathway – The Gate

Ancient name of Constellation – Scorpio

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – November 17 – December 16

The developmental pathway of the gate will teach us never to be satisfied with what we have – meaning – always aiming higher, for the next level, for there is always a higher level. These are people that will not be satisfied with the status-quo and will urge the human race to develop to its next level.


flexibilityThe Eighth Pathway – Flexibility

Ancient name of Constellation – Sagittarius

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – December 17 – January 14

The developmental pathway of Flexibility speaks of the need to gain new abilities, to constantly develop and evolve – not by what we personally may want or need – but in accordance to the need, and to natural evolution and to the purpose we have committed to. This pathway involves putting our ego aside in order to flow with what is needed.


diamondThe Ninth Pathway – The Diamond

Ancient name of Constellation – Capricorn

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – January 15 – February 12

The Diamond developmental pathway talks about condensing the values we cherish through repetition and commitment. This pathway requires a vast amount of time, probably a life time, and can be taken simultaneously with other developmental pathways we may take on. The clan of the Diamond can build strong and indelible characters made of the qualities of their choice, and those will remain shining bright as diamonds forever.


waterfallThe Tenth Pathway – The Waterfall

Ancient name of Constellation – Aquarius

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – February 13 – March 14

The Waterfall developmental pathway is about learning how to translate that which comes from the high, in a way that will be accessible to our lives and the lives of others. For that the people of this clan, or whoever chooses to take this path, need to become as clean as possible, so that which comes from the higher, finding manifestation through us, stays as close as possible to the original signal.


lakeThe Eleventh Pathway – The Lake

Ancient name of Constellation – Pisces

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – March 15 – April 14

The Lake developmental pathway is about being connected to a higher point of view that sees the bigger picture and includes all the little parts. This path will also help us acknowledge ourselves as being part of something vaster. The people of this clan, after travelling their developmental course, can help bring unity and peace between the variants of humankind.


creationThe Twelfth Pathway – The Flame

Ancient name of Constellation – Aries

 Dates of rising with the Sun during the beginning of the 21st century – April 15 – May 15

The developmental pathway of the Flame helps us learn that there is a godly spark in each one of us. This is the path of connecting to the ever-living hope, and the opportunity for a new start every time. People who first light their inner spark can, by inspiration, help other people find their inner passion, joy and godly-spark.

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