
The Feminine Asteroids and the #MeToo Revolution

goddessAs science and astronomy develop, we get to know of more celestial bodies. Astrology now takes into account features such as the Center of the Galaxy, the location of some fixed stars such as Regal and Antares, the comet Chiron and more. Amongst these celestial bodies that have crossed the lines between astronomy and astrology, we can find the Asteroid Belt.

The Asteroid Belt is a vast band of small asteroids that reside in a spacing that spans over 150,000,000 km in the area between Mars and Jupiter. This band is housed with more than half a million (!!) very small celestial bodies, most of which are less than 100 SKM, and yet all orbit around our Sun. The astrological legend says that these small celestial parts were once a planet that exploded, or perhaps gave itself up for a higher cause.

asteroid belt

Amongst the asteroids there are a few that are a bit bigger than others. One (Ceres) was even declared a dwarf-planet (as was Pluto). Ceres is about 900 SKM. Four of these relatively bigger asteroids got their own names and now are even related to in astrology. Today many astrologers use the location of the four asteroids while reading the birth-chart, and I too – for the past few years – add these bodies to the charts I make and find their addition fascinating and accurate.

It is interesting that the four asteroids were all given feminine names and characters from the roman mythology, and together they give a glimpse into the feminine side of the chart. When one thinks of it,  the feminine side was neglected for years. Looking at the astrological pantheon we can only see one feminine figure there, which is Venus. And Venus alone, although beautiful and radiant, cannot represent the complexity of the feminine kaleidoscope.

The four feminine asteroids represent the different functions women undertake, and together they help understand a woman’s chart much better. The asteroids are:

Ceres (Greek Demeter) – Mother Earth and goddess of harvest, one of Jupiter’s wives and the mother of Persephone. She represents the motherly part of a woman.

Juno – another partner of Jupiter, who represents the function of a lover and wife.

Pallas Athena – one of the most significant goddesses, patron of Athens, the warrior and the judge also known as Themis holding the Scale of Justice. Pallas Athena represents the part of the woman which is capable, the part that pursues the career and vocation and does not rely upon anyone or anything.

And Vesta – the great roman goddess leading the Vestal order of priestesses, which was the most religious order of Rome, keeping up the fire of the flame that was passed on to every new city and temple that was built. Vesta represents the spiritual part of the woman, the woman that keeps the burning spiritual flame safe.

These asteroids were discovered between the years 1808-1845, but only got into the astrological pantheon in the last 10-20 years. If we check to see what is the broader meaning of the feminine supplement to astrology,  we will find out something fascinating.

As I see it there is a close connection between astronomy, astrology and the development of human awareness. Again and again we can see that the discovery of certain planets or other celestial bodies go hand in hand with changes held here on Earth which have to do exactly with the nature of the celestial body that was discovered. It is as though  actual changes on Earth and our ability to discover more of our solar system and universe –  go hand in hand.

We can see that with the discovery of Uranus in 1781, at the end of the 18th century, came the American Revolution that brought about the independence of the Americas, as well as the French revolution which eventually led to the fall of monarchies and the rise of states of individuals. Revolutions, great change and individualism are closely connected to Uranus’ astrological character.

Uranus’s discovery opened the doorway to more astronomical revelations, such as the discovery of Neptune and Pluto in the 19th and 20th centuries, which again go hand in hand with great global changes, such as the industrial revolution, advances in science and all we know of the last 200 years or so. It seems that as people’s awareness and minds expanded – so did our perception of our solar system, which “grew” at-least four times greater than it was perceived in ancient times (as the ancients thought Saturn was the furthest planet).

The discovery of the asteroids happened together with a feminine revolution taking place, as women started  fighting for their rights, and being allowed to learn, work, vote and later on serve in different functions that till then only men were allowed to take on. Half of the population that for millennia was neglected starts to take its rightful place. And together with that, last but not least, astrology itself undergoes a huge change as more feminine frequencies are allowed to be perceived as part of our persona and destiny.


2017: #MeToo Revolution

During the last few months the four feminine asteroids have been creating a very special configuration in the skies.

When one looks at the sidereal chart of these days, including in it the four feminine asteroids, one can see that each one of the feminine asteroids is taking its position exactly at, or very close to, one of the four cardinal points of the chart: the MC, AC, IC and DC. And not only that – but also that each one of the asteroids is now in conjunction to a very significant celestial body, that in an extra ordinary way resonates with her, and supports her function.

These  cardinal positions  of all four asteroids, and the fact that each is in a very powerful conjunction, is truly unique and rare, and indeed it marks the very unusual time we are at now, at yet another significant stage of the gender theater. It is no surprise that with this unique astrological configuration women are taking  important steps forward, and that the explosion of sexual abuse is now at the front of every news report in the world.

Juno, he asteroid that is related to the more sexual part of the woman is now in conjunction to Pluto, which talks, amongst other things, about both sexuality and things that are hidden in the belly of earth. Pluto also relates to the sexual organs and to secrets. The two are now exactly at the Mid-Heaven, the exact top of the sidereal chart.

Pallas Athena, the judge and the fighter, is in conjunction with Uranus, the evoker of revolutions and the great shaker. Pallas Athena and Uranus are exactly at the ascendant of the sidereal chart, marking a new dawn..The two are squaring (disharmonious to) Juno and Pluto. We have already experienced the results of the Pluto-Uranus square with the major earthquakes which took place since this conjunction started in 2012. But these days the earthquakes are not only the physical ones, but also those which are the results of the secrets berried within Pluto, bursting up  and out to the air, in an explosion.

Ceres, the great mother, is at the bottom of the chart, in the fourth house which marks the location of family and motherhood. She is in conjunction to the True Node – the karmic point of the chart. The lowest part of the chart talks about the past. And this explains a lot about secrets from the distant past now coming forth. But not only that – with the conjunction to the True Node, Ceres is now making sure that the clearing out goes back not only for the few dozen past years. Together with the True Node, Ceres is now bringing out  situations concerning women, going back into the feminine genealogy, and clearing things done wrong even in our very far history. This conjunction makes this revelation that  we are witnessing a very thorough and deep one that holds  the chance of actually changing from the roots the way we think about women, men and the relationships between them.

And last, but not least, Vesta, the religious priestess, is in conjunction with Jupiter exactly at the descending point of the chart. Jupiter is the father of the Roman pantheon and the ultimate male figure, being even the father of Mars. The male of all males. Mythological Jupiter is the husband of both Juno and Ceres, together with other women who were either his wives or the mother of his many children. The mythological stories are filled with scenarios about his reckless love life. He had many women, many wives, and the stories also include deception, kidnappings  and rape. With Jupiter positioned at the descending part of the chart, escorted by the priestess Vesta, it is as if this marks the ending of a certain era to do with an attitude towards relationships and women.

All of the four feminine figures are now taking their very unique and powerful positions, supporting the change that is now happening. They  are also working in synchronization with the masculine figure in order to make sure that the gender revolution that is taking place these days is ensured.

What we are witnessing now in the skies and in life is a very unique configuration which can rightly be called a revolution. And this metamorphosis taking place in front of our eyes is not only about exposing sexual harassment and the maltreatment of women by men. Yes, this is the start of it all, with Pluto and Juno at the top of the chart. But what is possible these days is even greater than that.

There are many things that need to be cleansed and many things that need to get out of the way, with Vesta escorting Jupiter and marking an end of a certain line of male behavior. Cleansing is done, and it is important and will take time. But after that, there is room for real and lasting change.

This is a very special time in which both genders, male and female, can take example from the celestial bodies and learn how to work together, truly side by side. And as men and women, together, will take their clean and natural positions, the two genders can start to realize that their relationships are  much more that what they expect.

A natural and clean relationship between the feminine and masculine gender, a relationship based on support, mutuality,  trust and respect, can support a third thing, which is higher than both and is all about the incoming future.  And this, hopefully, is where today’s gender revolution, can lead to.

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