
Time for Spiritual Alignment

After creating an alignment with the Center of the Galaxy a few months ago, and after being in alignment with Saturn last month, these days Vesta, the Keeper of the Spiritual Fire, is now creating an alignment with Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis. By this alignment with Pluto, Vesta is completing a 3-step journey that has spanned  the last few months, and enabling us to complete the spiritual transformation we were undergoing during this very special time.

Vesta is a less known celestial body. She is a small asteroid which travels with her thousands of friends in the asteroids belt, only a few kilometers long, somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid is named after the goddess Vesta, who was the Roman goddess of the fireplace. But it is not only the literal fire that Vesta is responsible for. Vesta is the Keeper of the Flame. The goddess Vesta and her Vestal Priestesses, devoted to her, were one of the main features of the temple and carried out some of the most valued functions in ancient Rome.

Every time a new city was built in the Roman Empire, first a temple was erected in it. And to the temple a fire from the original Temple of Vesta in Rome, was brought. Then a few Vestal virgin priestesses were nominated to keep this fire burning and pure. This was the religious heart of each Roman city, connecting the people who lived there with the religious Roman flame.

In our own lives, Vesta is our inner priestess, the keeper of the inner and most sacred fire. She is the curator of the belief which allows us to keep aligned and true to our purest essence and core. She is also connected, in a mysterious way, to all other spiritual flames, wherever they reside.

In the last few months Vesta took a very special journey in the sky, which resonated with our inner courts.  A few months ago Vesta was in alignment with the Center of the Galaxy, which is connected to our higher purpose. Later on Vesta created an alignment with Saturn, Lord of Karma. And now Vesta creates the last alignment out of the three for this period of time, and this time – with Pluto. We can imagine these alignments  as the goddess Vesta herself passes from temple to temple, and lights the fire in each one of them: the Temple of the Center of the Galaxy, where one can connect to one’s higher purpose; the Temple of Saturn, where one can commit and be devoted  to ones higher cause; and now – the Temple of Pluto, where one can undergo complete change.

If there are 3 most significant ingredients in the astrological chart that are connected to change, and our connection to the higher levels – these would be the three: the Center of the Galaxy, Saturn and Pluto, which all turn out to be in  proximity in today’s sky. So as Vesta passes in her journey in the sky it turns out that she “touches” these 3 major astrological stations, one by one, as though lighting the fire in the three most important temples of our life.

We all may have felt special things taking place in the last few months, things that are awakening, the feeling of being connected to the higher parts of us, sensations to do with an alignment to our spiritual flame.

This third and final gateway on this journey, with Vesta lighting the third fire, in Pluto’s temple, will allow us to “go all the way” and complete the transformation which has started. If we pay attention to this time, give it space and process it, as we visit our Inner Temples – the unique astrological configuration of this time will allow us to complete our inner spiritual realignment in a permanent way that will not just fade  after the astrological alignment has passed.

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