
Two Lunar Eclipses and One Solar Eclipse on the Solstice, and a Great Retrogrades Season

When I prepared the 2020 yearly forecast I saw we were heading towards the most unique time I have ever seen as an astrologer. A year that started between two eclipses and had (and still has) in it the rare alignment between Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. I have written a lot about it, and shared my videos, and we all saw how extraordinary, and…” eclipsed”  2020 turned out to be.

We are now heading towards the next very unusual phase of 2020. And hopefully this time the events will unfold in a better way, and yet – it is so important to be aware of what we are heading towards, since – again – we are talking about extraordinary astrological occurrences taking place in the very near future, and some have already started…

After 2020 started in an eclipse season (between 2 eclipses, a solar and lunar), we are now heading towards another, and rare eclipse season, Usually the eclipse season lasts two weeks and includes a lunar eclipse, and a solar eclipse. But this time the coming eclipse season will last a whole month (!) and will include in it, not two, but rather three eclipses (!!!). The first lunar eclipse will happen on June 5th, and the second on July 5th. And not only that – the solar eclipse in between the two lunar eclipses, is going to fall exactly on the solstice!! – the longest day of the year (in the northern  hemisphere), the day that is dedicated to the Sun. This is quite unbelievable, as happens only every 180 years.

When I first did my 2020 forecast, I noticed this eclipse season, and my first impression was that during the last eclipse season that started the year, something entered planet Earth. And that during the second eclipse season whatever had entered will come to an end and to a cleaning point. Corona-wise, the previous eclipse season brought with it the Corona virus on the physical level, and very high cosmic influences that allowed  the evolution of it on the higher end.

I did predict earlier this year that during this coming eclipse season the Corona situation will be over with. Just a few weeks ago it seemed to be quite unreasonable, but now we see the world re-opening. In many countries schools and shops have reopened, the skies will be open again soon for airplanes and it seems that we do see now the other side of the pandemic, and the end of the global quarantine.

So it seems that the lower end of whatever entered planet Earth at the beginning of the year,  is now on its way out. But what about the higher end of what entered planet Earth??? Do we want that to be washed away? Cleaned away when clearly a big change in the human consciousness was not made, in spite of the great pause we were all in?

It seems that the coming eclipse season will give us all the opportunity to undergo  the changes that are needed, in our personal lives and on the global scale.

The coming eclipse season will take place when 5 planets are retrograding: Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter, which I have talked volumes about and are major players in the global events that took place this year – are all retrograding now, and together with that Venus is retrograding, and Mercury will start retrograding on June 18th. So during the coming solar eclipse on the solstice all these planets are going to give us a SECOND CHANCE to do right what we might have not have understood or done, even if circumstances did put us in a complete lock down. We did have the time to contemplate and think. We did see that as we change our habits  the planets becomes cleaner. We did see how it is to live without the rush, stress and sound of machines. But did we make the needed  changes???  Probably not.

The coming eclipse season, starting June 5th and ending July 5th will allow us to continue what we have started. It will give us a second chance at making the changes  needed, in our personal lives and globally.

Will it be difficult? Will it include another wave of Corona, or a new kind of disease??

As always – it is up to us. Global disasters do take place when planet Earth cannot handle the cosmic energies bombarding her. These days  the cosmic influence is huge. I have explained in previous posts how Earth has “lowered its shields” due to the reduced solar activity, something that allows more cosmic influence to enter Earth. It was always up to the humans to be the ones to receive and process cosmic influences, but for years we haven’t done so. And much of what we see around us as extreme weather and disease is the result of this (I do explain it more in my videos and previous forecasts).

Most likely  this will be the end of  COVID-19. And the reason for this is that we have gotten used to it, and when Pluto is involved (and it is) we are talking about surprises.

So hopefully humankind will be able to take the quantum leap with another plague or disaster, but I do want to point out here that we are heading into another  stretch of not very simple astrological times, and we do need to prepare ourselves. But mainly we need to make sure we are continuing our human task of development, and that in our personal lives we do embrace the changes that we saw  are needed in our lives in the last few months of reflection. If we all do our little bit – a lot will be done, and the world will be a better place.

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