The Gate – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between November 15 – December 14
This is your birthday month, as the Sun resides this month in your astrological realm.
The Sun recharges you with much needed energy and you feel vital and vigorous again, ready to start a new astrological cycle in the ever-climbing spiral of life. You are more aware and clearer about who you truly are and about what your aims are.
This is a great time that can be used well, not only for doing things, but also for planning ahead from this point of clarity.
This time, with the energy that it holds, is like a flower-bud that will open up to its potential throughout the whole of the next year – so enjoy your birthday month and use its gifts well! Astrological Card to meditate upon in order to connect to yourself and your strengths – the Sun (see picture).

Flexibility – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between December 15 – January 13
After some very intensive months it is now time for a bit of relaxation: A time to bring things together and achieve balance. It might feel as though you’re numb or foggy, but you are actually adding up the whole year, and preparing for a new astrological cycle that will begin soon, close to your birthday. Allow yourself the needed rest, don’t be ambitious about anything. Remember that life has its in/out breathing cycles, and taking time off is as important as advancing forward sometimes… Astrological Card to meditate upon to slow down the pace and connect to the unseen worlds – Dancing with The Unseen Worlds (see picture).

The Diamond – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between January 14 – February 12
You start now to see the bigger picture. You remember who you really are, what is important in life, and what you came here to Earth to do. This is a time of clarity that enables you to reignite your life’s quest and to reconnect to your true vocation. This is a good time to plan ahead and even to take some important steps that will get you closer to fulfilling your true destiny. Astrological Card to meditate upon in order to be focused on your vocation – the Vocation card (see picture).

The Waterfall – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between February 13 – March 13
Routine is calling and duties need to be attended to. You have to be very focused on work, and you need to give work the time and attention it requires, even if it feels like it is going to swallow you up, and even if you feel you are not as bright or vivid as you usually are to deal with what is needed. You just need to stick to routine and schedule, and practice dedication and steadiness. The efforts you make this week will bear fruit later on. Astrological Card to meditate upon in order to focus on the practical level of things – Work&Career (see picture).

The Lake – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between March 14 – April 12
You feel freer and more optimistic. Happiness is flowing and it is just a GREAT time! You are recharged with energy and you feel more and more vigorous as time goes by. If you can – try to keep yourself free from a fixed schedule. It is a great time to study something new or go on vacation if possible, or just spend time in nature. Let life flow in and work its wonders on you! Astrological Card to meditate upon in order to connect to freedom and openness – Expanding Horizons (see picture).

The Flame – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between April 13 – May 13
After a very intense time, you finally feel more relaxed as life’s pace slows down. This is the time to be by yourself or with people that are very close to you; a time for meditation and for following your spiritual quest; a time of reflection. Your senses are more acute now and you are very aware of your own feelings and those of others. There is an ability to deepen the connections with your close friends and with yourself. Astrological Card to meditate upon to reach higher domains – the card of Spirituality (see picture).

The Key – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between May 14 – June 14
This it is a time of full awareness; a vigorous time, full of life, full of light and with clear awareness of yourself and others. Life is rushing in, with many events and people for you to meet. This is a time to take a step forward and reach out to the world, and let the world know of all the wonderful things you have been doing lately! This is also a great time for couples to enhance their relationships, and for those seeking love – to find it, beginning with finding the love and care within. Astrological Card to meditate upon to increase love – Relationships (see picture).

Exchange – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between June 15 – July 15
The Sun’s new location makes you very practical. You start to find urgent all the arrangements and bureaucracies that a week ago you just did not notice. This is the time to clean and tidy the home and office and take care of your body – which is also your home in a way. The next few weeks are going to be very down-to-earth. And you can take pride in the fact that you take care of what needs to be taken care of. One of this month’s lessons is to be able to do what needs to be done, even if not given the credit or the applause for doing it. Astrological Card to meditate upon to keep balanced and grounded – the card of Balance & Health.

Giving – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between July 16 – August 15
You are going from dark to light and from being introverted to being all over the place! You start to re-discover the joys of life, you allow yourself to just have fun, take time for the things you love to do and enjoy LIFE. Remember that it is perfectly ok for things to be all about you, if it for a certain amount of time. Doing the things you love will recharge you in a way that you will make you be more productive and useful later on. Have a great time !
The Astrological Card to meditate upon in order to express yourself fully – the card of Self-Expression (see picture).

Nobility – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between August 16 – September 15
This is a more introverted time that allows summing up the past 3 months of much activity. It is good to just spend time with yourself or with close family. It is now time for balances; for listening to yourself and going at a slower pace with no need to hurry up or be too active. Just keep in mind that you are more emotional than usual these days and it is not recommended to make important decisions, as you do not see, for now, the wider picture. Astrological Card to meditate upon to slow down and connect to your loved ones – Family (see picture).

Abundance – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between September 16 – October 16
This is a very vivid time of meetings, ideas, events and friends. There’s an expansion of thought, and life just flows like a river. You learn much. You get wiser as you go forward. For those who have a business – this is the time for advertising and marketing it. This is a lighter time, easy and happy, that fills you up with power and smiles that will carry you through the journey and will be kept in stock for rainy days. Astrological Card to meditate upon to enhance communication– Communication (see picture).

Creation – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between October 17- November 14
The intensity of your birthday month calms down. There are fewer events, less people coming into your life, less ideas and less conversations. From a very bubbly state you are now getting more and more grounded and you move into a much more practical phase. For better or worse – you hit reality and see the facts clearly. This is the time to start manifesting and make real all the great dreams and ideas you had. This is a great time for practicality, for business and for investments, and a great time for doing and for accomplishing big things.
Astrological Card to meditate upon to stay grounded and practical –The Tangible.