The Gate – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between November 15 – December 14
Venus is now travelling your astrological realm, as she opposes Mars, her mythological lover. This is a specially blessed time. For those seeking for love – the couple allows new love to appear, and for those already in a relationship the celestial bodies offer harmony and grace as they also relight passion and love. Venus and Mars also fill you up with inspiration and allow you to create. The left and right hemispheres of the brain can now work together and bring forth wonderful results in all the territories of life.
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

Flexibility – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between December 15 – January 13
Venus and Mars, the mythological couple, opposing in the skies, allow you enhanced inspiration and creativity. This is the time to connect to your imagination in a most wonderful way that will probably allow stories and music to manifest themselves through you, if you allow it…
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – Abundance

The Diamond – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between January 14 – February 12
Venus and Mars opposing ne another are now affecting you in a very positive way in the territory of Vocation. This is a time of inspiration and creativity, as many steps are taken towards fulfilling what it is you are set to do in this world. The time between having and inspiration and accomplishing things – is very short this week!
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

The Waterfall – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between February 13 – March 13
Venus is in your astrological House of Work this week, while opposing her mythological mate, Mars. This is going to be a wonderful week for doing things, for handling projects and for your career. Venus and Mars allow you to take some meaningful steps, which were not possible before, and it will be done in an effortless way, as if within a dance. You are very creative in your work, and there’s much inspiration in the air that finds its practical manifestation very quickly.
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

The Lake – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between March 14 – April 12
This week your spiritual life is wonderfully affected by the dance of the opposition between Venus and Mars. So as you proceed with your “usual” life – you receive much inspiration and connection, insights and spiritual revelations. You broaden your scope, learn and expand. You will probably want to go outside, be in nature, and indeed it is needed – as long as you balance it with your earthly commitments.
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

The Flame – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between April 13 – May 13
The couple Venus and Mars allow you these days to deepen your emotions. Existing relationships gather more depth and a new level of intimacy, and flow can be achieved almost effortlessly. This is a time to get to know anew your “old” partner, strengthen the relationship and re-appreciate the person you are so close to.
The emotional depth is a bonus also for those not in a relationship, and it might manifest itself in beautiful spiritual experiences and much creativity, as you get closer and closer to life itself.
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

The Key – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between May 14 – June 14
Venus is travelling in your astrological House of Relationships, as she opposes her mythological spouse, Mars. The celestial couple now blesses everything to do with love and relationships in your life. If you’re seeking new love – this is the perfect time to find true love. And if you’re already in a relationship – you’ll find Venus and Mars are blessing it with harmony and re-sparking the passion. Venus and Mars also allow you to meet the world these days in a very creative and harmonious way – so many things are now happening, not only in the romantic arena. This is also a brilliant time for artists and a wonderful time to find a partner or team to work with.
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

Exchange – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between June 15 – July 15
Venus travels these days in your astrological House of Health, while opposing her mythological lover, Mars. This is a wonderful blessing for your well-being. The couple blesses you with physical strength, with vitality and emotional balance. Another effect of this celestial couple is that everything to do with management and maintenance works out just great these days. You find yourself putting things into order and are back in control over your life, house and office. For managers – this is a great time at work, as things fall into place!
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

Giving – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between July 16 – August 15
The mythological couple, Venus and Mars, is now affecting your talents, creativity and inspiration in a very positive way. If you are artists – this is the perfect time to create and take your artwork out to the world. But even if you don’t consider yourself artists you might find the muses dragging you into painting, singing or dancing. Venus and Mars enable you to heighten the experience. Your senses are acute. You allow yourself to indulge and do things you just love to do.
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

Nobility – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between August 16 – September 15
Venus and Mars are now blessing the arena of family and close relationships. These celestial bodies allow the balance to come back to your home, and for harmony and grace to reside within you and inside of the family. This is the time to enjoy being together, and to find fun or creative things to do together. The other side of the couple’s opposition is that it asks you to seek the right balance between work and family-life, between going outwards and settling your own emotions.
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

Abundance – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between September 16 – October 16
Venus is travelling your astrological House of Communication, while opposing her mythological lover, Mars. This is a time of wonderful conversations, lightness, exchanging ideas and getting together with new and old friends. If you are dealing with marketing, talks, writing etc. – this is a wonderful time for your business, filled with creativity. There are many balls in the air, many projects, and it is also a good time to spread the word about what you do, and reach more people.
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)

Creation – A Weekly Astrological Forecast for Those Born Between October 17- November 14
Venus and Mars are now opposing on the astrologically line between the Tangible and the Spiritual. This makes it a wonderful time for money and business. This is also a good time for home renovations. A very practical down-to-earth time. A wonderful time to re-connect to your own body, in an appreciative and loving way. This is a time to find security and balance and learn how to feel at home and at ease wherever you are.
Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – the House of Love (see picture)