We are in that special time between two eclipses – a Solar eclipse just took place on September 1st, and we are heading towards a […]
Solar Eclipse – September 1st
We are in the special time of year when the Sun conjuncts the True Node. The Moon, the Earth, and the Sun are in alignment […]
Breaking Stop-Situations
These days one can see clearly in the sky a red triad of stars. Early evening is when they are the first to appear on […]
Cosmic Times
There are two crucial astrological points that are connected to the soul’s deepest quest. One is the True Node and the other is Saturn. The […]
Saturn, Mars and Antares at the Gate
The evening skies are ornamented with dazzling stars, amongst them a few very bright planets that can be seen at dusk. The brightest and the […]
Mars Goes Direct
After two and a half months of retrogression, Mars is finally moving back to its direct course. The retrogression ended on June 30th, and the […]
Jupiter Going Direct!
How will Jupiter Affect our lives and How to Spot it in the Skies? Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun, biggest planet in our solar […]
Being a Part of the Celestial Theater
Karni Zor talks about the possibility to give something to the universe…
Mars in the Realm of Creation – focus your thoughts…
If you have followed the early evening’s skies lately you might have seen bright red Mars moving more and more to the west every day […]
The Sun in Astrology and Ancient Cultures
The Sun is the center of our solar system. It is its causation, its creator and provider. It is the focal point around which all […]