
Mars Retrograde and the Greater Picture

At September 9th Mars the planet called after the God of War itself started its retrograde. A period of two and a half months in which it seems as if it goes in the Sky opposite its usual course.

Each planet has a period in which it seems to us from earth as if it goes backwards on the course of the Zodiac. But Mars retrograde is there rarest as it happens only once every two and a half years.

It seems that crazy 2020 won’t be complete without including a Mars retrograde in it. And so it happens.

Having a planet retrograde is never a pleasant thing especially when it is the conduit of doing. This is the time when we either can’t do anything, or a time in which we get filled with ambition, anger, stress and fear, all are the downside of the Martian energy.

But Mars retrograde also has its beautiful upside. And every planet retrograde is actually a time for personal development. Mars retrograde teaches us how to do things differently. And not only that…

Mars retrograde is long, it takes two and a half months. this year Mars started retrograde when it is in the Realm of the Flame, Aries sign. Assign that is classically connected to Mars. But starting October 1st And until the end of the retrograde at November 14th Mars will Marsh backwards in the Realm of the Lake, Pisces sign. Where it’s affect is completely different.  

At the beginning of the retrograde, under the influence of the realm of the flame and Aries sign, Mars restrained our ability to do. It seems that we shut down, fill into indifference and lost our usual vigor. But now from the room of the Lake Mars influence  upon us is different.

As Mars leaves Aries our vitality and ability to do can come back. We can set our goals and aims again. We can be full of hope again.

Mars in the realm of the Lake is connected two our connect to inspiration and intuition. Mars offers us to do things differently. Maybe not as planned, and certainly not deriving from ambition. But rather to do things from a true inner spiritual motivation. To act upon our intuition. To do things let might not seem logical but is most certainly connected to the spirit that tries to guide us all.

In the next month and a half we have a cosmic window of opportunities to act according to our intuition and in our guidance. To respond to that which calls us from above.

Aries (the Flame) is an individualist, but Pisces (the Lake), Sees the bigger , grander picture. In the realm of the Lake retrograding Mars can connect us to the bigger jigsaw puzzle which is made of numerous parts in which all create one body and one movement.      

We are in a very special time. The whole of 2020 is a very special time. And it’s not just bad. This is the year that will determine our future. Sometimes we forget that’s our actions and movement and will has a part in a grander future that is now forming. It seems that most of 2020 overwhelmed us. And then, perhaps, we were either paralyzed or angry. Now, under the influence of retrograde Mars in the realm of the Lake, we enter the practical phase of 2020. Mars retrograde allows us to do things differently. As a collective and not as individuals. It allows something else, something higher, to move us, the different pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, into action. This is the time to allow something else, good and high, to move us to do our part. We will slowly see more people around will do so, and the grander picture will come together and reveal.   

Join Karni Zor and Eleni Makri for a fascinating 40 minutes about Mars retrograde and the martial arts:

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