
Mercury’s Retrograde

Here you can learn more about Mercury’s retrograde and read how Mercury’s retrogression period is affecting each of the 12 astrological tribes:

Mercury Retrograde – some helpful tutorials about it

Mercury Retrograde – Astrological Forecast for the 12 Astrological Tribes

The Diamond (born between Jan. 14 – Feb. 12 )

Mercury is retrograding in your own astrological realm, the Realm of the Diamond. Everything to do with communication, thinking, speaking and socializing is up to lots of mistakes. Most of the mistakes are going to be just funny little ones: little misunderstandings, saying the wrong things, appearing for a meeting in the wrong time. As long as you apply humor to the situation– it is all well. But in other situations, as in your business, specially trying to advertise it or giving lectures, you should really double check everything before you say something, publish something or send on the “send” button.  

Astrological Card to meditate upon – Communication.

The Waterfall (born between Feb. 13 – March 13)

After some very intensive months it is now time for a bit of relaxation: A time to bring things together and achieve balance. It might feel as though you’re numb or foggy, but you are actually adding up the whole year, preparing for a new astrological cycle that will begin soon, close to your birthday. Allow yourself the needed rest, don’t be ambitious about anything. Remember that life has its in/out breathing cycles, and taking time off is as important as advancing forward sometimes… 

Mercury’s retrogression has little effect upon you this time, almost none.

Astrological Card to meditate upon –the Twelfth House card.

The Lake (born between March 14 – April 12 )

Mercury is retrograding in your Astrological House of Vocation, and will continue doing so till March 10th. This means that it’s better to stick to doing then to thinking. Try not to over analyze things. Try to do and not to talk.  For those working with speech, teaching and lecturing – making sure people understand what you say and don’t forget your prompts.

Astrological Card to meditate upon – the Vocation card.   

The Flame (born between April 13 – May 13 )

Mercury is retrograding in your astrological House of Work. You must expect all sorts of disturbances and mistakes in your work place – beginning with falling computers and ending with misunderstanding with you colleagues. This retrogression can make you nervous and hot in your workplace, and it is recommended to calm yourself down, take into account you have not understood things well, and not act before you verify all the facts. Patience and humor can help you a lot these days!

Astrological Card to meditate upon – Work&Career.

The Key (born between May 14 – June 14 )

Mercury’s retrogression is occurring in your Astrological House of Travelling and Learning. You should expect little mistakes, sometimes even funny ones, to do with getting the wrong train, coming into meetings in the wrong time. With some humor you can even see it as an interesting adventure and opportunity. For students, especially during tests – it is important to double check what you read and what you wrote and to avoid mistakes – that in these cases might not be funny anymore! On and all – this retrogression is not too harsh this time and you can enjoy the freedom and joy of these days without much worry!

Astrological Card to meditate upon – Expanding Horizons (9th House).

Exchange (born between June 15 – July 15 )

This time Mercury’s retrogression has a wonderful affect upon you! You are in a very spiritual and connected time, and in these days it is better to shut down the thinking system. So Mercury’s retrogression – which means the conduit of thought going off or slow – is just a blessing and a great addition to the process you’re already in. anyhow this is the time of feeling and meditating – and not of thinking and analyzing. Have a great intuitive journey!

Astrological Card to meditate upon – the Spiritual Portal.

Giving (born between July 16 – Aug. 15 )

Mercury’s retrogression allows you to work on unwanted thinking and behavior patterns concerning relationships and working in a team; patterns from the past can now shed and let way to new patterns of thinking and acting that are positive and promoting. This is a time of mental changes. Life is intensive, filled with happenings and adventures. The word “sorry” towards yourself and others can come in handy while realizing ways of thinking and communicating that might not suit your present position anymore.

Astrological Card to meditate upon in order to improve communication and be mindful of it – Mercury.

Nobility (born between Aug. 16 – Sept. 15 )

Mercury’s retrogression occurs in your astrological House of Maintenance and Managing this time. It is important to double check the little letters in documents and double check your accounting – so little mistakes do not sneak up and make a mess. This is also a time to check your thinking patterns concerning health and the relationship between you and your body. A lot of healing can be made by changing some of the thinking patterns you have concerning health, diet and the way you perceive your body.

Astrological Card to meditate upon – Balance & Health.

Abundance (born between Sep. 16 – Oct. 16 )

Life these days is all about living it, expressing yourself, enjoying the beauty of it and allowing yourself to let life to your talents and skills. Allow yourself to do whatever your intuition and gut feeling tells you to do, and do not let logic or over-analyzing stand in your way.

Astrological Card to meditate upon – Self-Expression.

Creation (born between Oct. 17 – Nov. 14 )

The family needs its time and attention these days. Due to Mercury’s retrogression misunderstandings can easily lead to fights and relationships with your close one might be filled with tension. Remember to explain yourself well, not to get too heated. Give attention and love to your family members. Take time to do the things you love to do together with your family; things like dancing, hearing music, painting and so on. The word “sorry” might come in handy from time to time…

Astrological Card to meditate upon – Family.

The Gate (born between Nov. 15 – Dec. 14 )

Mercury, planet of socializing and communication, is retrograding in your astrological House of Communication. This is like a “double affect” of Mercury going “off” upon you. Everything to do with communication, thinking, speaking and socializing is up to lots of mistakes. Most of the mistakes are going to be just funny little ones: little misunderstandings, saying the wrong things, appearing for a meeting in the wrong time. As long as you apply humor to the situation – it is all well. But in other situations – as in your business, specially trying to advertise it or giving lectures – you should really double check everything before you say something, publish something or send on the “send” button.   

Astrological Card to meditate upon – Communication.

Flexibility (born between Dec. 15 – Jan. 13 )

Mercury is doing its retrogression this time in your Astrological House of Fortune. This mean that till March 10th you should really double-check every financial move you make. Think before investing or buying something. Read the little letters. Make sure you have got the details right, and if possible postpone important decision till after the retrogression ends.

Astrological Card to meditate upon – The Tangible.

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