
The Dragon and the Dog

Lately I have started to add some of the fixed stars to my astrological chart readings. As astronomy advances, and more is known about our universe, so astrology needs to follow and always stay updated.

The fixed stars are not moving quickly through the zodiac as the planets of our solar system do. Well, actually, the fixed stars (apart from the 12 astrological signs) are not part of the zodiac at all. They do not create a perfect alignment with the sun or other celestial bodies of our solar system, and the sort of influence they have upon us is different to what we are usually used to in astrological terms. Their influence is slow and constant and they will hint of long-term processes that take place in the personal chart and in the yearly forecast.

Although the fixed stars are called FIXED we do need to remember that nothing is fixed in space. All is moving, or else the universe would collapse. It is only due to the great distance they are from us (light years) that their movement is not something we even notice during one’s life-time. The stars themselves do not seem to change location, but they will be positioned differently in each person’s chart, and will have different “relationships” with the faster-moving celestial bodies.

These days two fixed stars are having a special affect upon us, due to the relationship they have with other celestial bodies. And these stars add to the astrological game both gates and opportunities of growth. These two stars are Sirius and Algol.

This week we will approach Sirius’s gateway, and next week we will talk about Algol and its unique developmental pathway.

Sirius is one of the better known stars. It is the brightest star in the sky and was known to different cultures as one of the major stars. In fact, the hieroglyph of Sirius in ancient Egyptian writings was a star, and its name was just “star”.

The Mayan culture saw in it such importance that one of their calendars followed its movement. The Dugon tribe (Africa) knew that Sirius was actually a double star, which many years later science actually confirmed. What we see with our eyes as one star is actually a dual system of two stars, Sirius A and B, revolving one around the other.

These days Sirius is clearly seen in the evening skies in many places in the world, to the south just beneath Orion for those living in the northern hemisphere. For those living in the southern hemisphere you can see Sirius in the North, above Orion…

The Greek mythology tells us of the great hunter Orion, which always hunts when his loyal dog is near him. The dog is constellation Canis Major, which Sirius is the brightest star of. In fact it is the dog that points the hunter in the right direction, always showing him the way.

In the Tarot cards we can find Orion and his dog Sirius in the Fool’s card. The hunter might be strong and big, but it is Sirius that knows to always point out the right direction.

Orion Constellation has in it Orion’s belt, also known as the Northern Arrow. This arrow points us to Polaris, the northern star.

Sirius’s effect, which the ancient ones noticed as well, has to do with the ability to point us in the right direction. It knows where we need to go, it knows our path, and makes sure that we do not miss the path or the signs that lead us to it.

As Sirius stays “fixed” in the sky, it will start influencing us when other quicker celestial bodies create a “relationship” with it.

These days there is a proximity between the North Node, also called “the Dragon’s Head”, to Sirius – and this creates a huge cosmic gateway available for us to pass through.

The Dragon’s Head has a huge significance in the personal chart, as it marks this life time’s major breakthroughs that the person’s soul has set up to go through.

The union between these two celestial marks, which will continue for a few months and will only reoccur in 12 years time, is there to make sure we do not miss the meaningful path we need to take in order to fulfill our soul’s purpose.

This is the time to be attentive to the signs that are showing us our way…

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