
The Near Future According to the Stars

As we know, 2020 is a  year of an historical shift. For the first time the whole world stood still, facing the same challenges.

2020 is full of astrological synchronicity beyond comprehension. Too many unique happenings that  leave us unable to discard the notion that there is something big, perhaps divinely planned, taking place.

Three planets are aligned in a rare union: Saturn (the planet of conformity, form, restriction and challenges) Pluto (the planet of transformation and facing the unknown) and Jupiter (which expands everything, takes things to extremes  and makes things global). When only 2 of the 3 met, there were huge changes in the world. Pluto and Saturn unite every 36-38 years. And it happened in  1914 (World War 1), 1948 (the birth year of Israel and the year where social welfare was first introduced to the world) and 1983 (the birth year of the internet, the cellular phone and Microsoft). The people who lived  throughthese times could not imagine how the world would lookin the near future. And so can’t we.

But the astrological synchronicity does  not end there.

Our year (and actually decade!) started between two eclipses. Our year will have in it 6 eclipses in total, when the usual number is 4.

This year, just at the equinox, the time of equality between day and night all over the world, the whole world went into quarantine and paused.

Although these days we might feel already sick of quarantine, isolation and control, let’s not forget that when it started it brought special things with it. Together with the fear of the unknown and of  Covid, we, as the human race, had a time to pause like we never did have in the last 100 years. The skies cleared, the fog elevated. Industry quieted down. Families were back home together. Animals came back out after hiding for a long while. This was a time for each one of us to reconsider our lives.

Later on, at the extreme time of the summer solstice, together with a rare solar eclipse which happens only once every 180 years, the world started to move in dis-ease. Things started to bubble restlessly. This time each country, each community, each family and each person, faced a totally different “disease”, according to that which needed fixing. And instead of a shut-down, a movement started.  Issues that were dormant started to rise in a way that could not be left without a response. Racism, corrupted politics, gender discrimination, rotten financial structure. Each country, community, family, person faced their own daemons and started to rise to action. And this might have to do with the interesting relationship between the planets Saturn and Jupiter, the father and son in roman mythology, which share an interesting history of locking up and breaking free and starting a new reign.

Just as the “first wave” brought with it some peaceful times, the “second wave” is not peaceful at all.

The story of Saturn tells of a young god that needed to bring order to a messy world. He needed to restrain his own father, the primordial creator Uranus. Saturn locked his father up and brought order and rules to the world. But later on this new regime,  that at first helped so much, became a burden, a huge stopper of new things entering. Saturn’s son, Jupiter, then did to his father what Saturn did to Uranus – and locked Saturn up in order to start a newer, and freer world.

According to my astrological forecast (which is usually quite precise) quarantine and restrictions around the world should have ended around mid July. This time has passed, and yet we are still under strict boundaries (in most countries). Why is that?

At the beginning of the year, the entry of a new universal signal on the higher end of the bar, and the lower expression of it as a virus, was the time to pause in order to change direction. But now a movement is starting, and it is unnatural to pause and stay put. The elongation of the quarantine is off its natural permission, and this will have its results.

Do you remember how a Tsunami starts? With a great withdrawal of the sea. The waters are pulled extremely  far from the shore, and then the counter-action takes place as a great wave rises.

We can see the “Tsunami”, or the pendulum affect taking place now, and just as every ball you throw to the skies will eventually fall back down, and just as the pendulum will swiftly swing to the other side, the great pause that took place will have to result in a great big wave of action.

During the first half of 2020, between the winter solstice and the summer solstice, the world was in a shutting-down movement. The second half must be a time of action.

But the even more significant counter-affect that we will be seeing is that during the first half of 2020 people were TOLD WHAT TO DO. This time we might find that people are SELF ARISING into action.

During the “first wave” (or perhaps the withdrawal of the sea?) we were forced to stop. Which was actually good for us, since one needs to stop in order to change direction and the world needed to change direction for a long time.

This time (the Tsunami Wave?) something magical might happen. Perhaps there is no one out there to manage the needed changes in the world. But it does not mean that the changes can’t happen.

We are at the cusp of the age of Aquarius, the age of the many profits, and the age where conductivity is rising. The time when  individuals will take their parts in  global change. Perhaps if each one follows their heart and intuition, take the steps and actions they feel the impulse to do – we might find that we are all part of a much greater picture.

The change will not come from outside, from a strict regime. This is not the time for that any more. The change will arise from the many individuals that  feel compelled to take action.

Things are starting to happen as different people, communities, nations, start to rise and awaken. And as they awaken and start taking action, they will see around them more and more awakened  people. And so the small efforts, and the different mendings that need to be done, in so many places and territories of life, all over the world, will start to take place.

Can we do it as individuals, as the human race? When the trust we wrongly put on the outer regime will turn to the trust in our own standards, knowings and good will?

When people truly awaken  the changes can be huge and can affect all territories of life, starting with a new kind of  new global leadership that will replace old structures. Why stick to political parties? borders? Perhaps there is a whole new way to go at things when people are more responsive to the true needs? Once no one could perceive democracy. But can there be a totally new way that fits the future to handle the human affairs?

 The coming change will influence education, communication, perhaps changes in the way we perceive economy, the way we treat each-other as human beings and much more.

How much time will it take? A year? A decade? A century?

However long this shift will take to happen, one thing is for sure – if each one takes on our little part in the greater picture, eventually the world will  awaken to a near future that is going to be so different, that there is no way we can imagine it, just as people prior to 1983 (the birth year of the internet and the cellular phone) couldn’t imagine 2020.

However long it takes, we must be ok with that. And this time, hopefully, along with the new digital way of communication, perhaps a new human web can be formed.

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