
Three Eclipses in One Lunar Month   


We are now in a very special time in which three eclipses will occur: two very partial solar eclipses, and one total lunar eclipse. This special time is called “the eclipse season” and it holds a very special meaning for our lives.

The time between eclipses is a special cosmic doorway. It was a time that the Ancient Ones feared – for it had its traps, but it is also a time that with some awareness can, these days, be a special time for leaving behind the old patterns we cling to and approaching the future with new attitudes and mindsets.

Solar and Lunar eclipses always go together. Twice a year there is a perfect alignment between the Sun, our Earth and the Moon. At these two times, that are always 6 months apart, there will be the “eclipse seasons”, usually with two eclipses in it: a Solar eclipse which happens at the new Moon, and a Lunar eclipse when the Moon is full. This time not two, but three eclipses will occur as the alignment stands and continues from one new moon to the other. So we will have two solar eclipses on July 13th and August 11th, and one lunar eclipse in between, on July 27th. The coming solar eclipses will be  very partial ones, and will be seen mainly above the Pacific and Indian oceans – so not much of a   sight for us, unless you are living in south Australia – but there too, the eclipses will only be partial, and hardly noticed to the eye.

The coming Lunar eclipse however, will be impressive and I will write more about it later on (so keep tuned!).

What Does the Eclipse Season Astrologically Mean?

The “Eclipse Season” is a very special time astrologically speaking.  A time in which two very different and opposing influences – that of the Sun and that of the Moon – combine.

The Sun represents our awareness, our grown-up identity and our educated choices, and the Moon represents our animal-instincts, our intuitions, fears and inner drives.

We can start to understand why the Ancient Ones feared the eclipses, and especially the Solar ones – as the natural and unconscious world overshadows the known, and things might get out of control.

But perhaps we can also recognize the special opportunity on this occasion, when the two worlds of imagination and reality, the feminine and masculine, artistry and logic – collide. This can be a very special time of connecting between that which is seen and that which is unseen, connecting between the genders, connecting between the right and left hemispheres and so forth.

We are now in this special time – the time between two eclipses, and we should be aware of it, cautious, and perhaps even find ways to use these times wisely.


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