
Mars’s Cosmic Doorway

Together with this special time we are in – the Eclipse Season , and Mercury’s retrogression– Mars, the planet of ACTION is also retrograding, opening before us a very special opportunity for personal development.

Mars started its retrogression on June 26th, and will move again  directly  on August 28th. Mars is now the closest it was to us in 15 years, and we can see it clearly, red, big and bright, in the night’s sky, ascending in the east in the evening and descending in the west close to dawn.

Mars is named after the god of War and is the conduit of our ability to do, our ambitions, project-handling and vitality. When Mars retrogrades all the territories this planet is connected to, might go to one of two extremes – either hyper-active or hypo-active. This means that we might get too ambitious and competitive, militant and angry, or if it affects us the other way – we might lack the power and motivation to do things. The way Mars affects us depends on our specific astrological combination – our astrological chart.

But there is a bright side to Mars’s retrogression. A cosmic doorway  is opening for us these days, and is specia because this retrogression period occurs in the time of 3 eclipses. While Mars – conduit of DOING – retrogrades, perhaps we can “go with the flow” and do things in other ways?


Just as Mercury’s retrogression is a good time to thinks things over, re-think  things and change thinking paradigms, Mars’s retrogression is a great opportunity to find new ways of doing things and changing our usual patterns.

So we have a double job to do here –

YES, we need to avoid Mars’s traps, be more patient and careful,

but together with that, our second mission, if we wish to accept it, is to try to change our usual behavioral patterns and start doing things in a new way. This is an excellent gateway for personal development, and Mars retrograding along with two solar eclipses and one lunar eclipse, actually help us with it.

And how would we know which behaviors and ways of doing things should we change? Oh – that would be quite simple! With Mars retrogression our usual way of doing things – JUST WON’T WORK.

So instead of getting angry at the fact that things don’t go the way we want them to, we might choose to look at what  stops us  as signs. Signs of the fact that we are, once again, retreating into our regular patterns, and signs that we need to find new ways of handling things.

And one last piece of advice for this special cosmic time we are in: these days it’s better NOT TO DO, than try to do something that clearly doesn’t work.



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