
Uranus opposes Mars and Mercury

If you felt some “strange” vibes” lately, you are not alone!
Although Mercury has ended its retrograde, “funny” things are still happening. And this is due to the annual opposition between Uranus and Mercury, which happens to occur at  at the same time as the annual opposition between Uranus and Mars! And when the planet of oddity is opposing our conduits of thinking and doing, strange things might happen, But there’s also a good side to all of it…  so hang in there !

One of the more interesting planets in our solar system has to be Uranus. Uranus is the radical and rebellious part of the skies and the astrological chart. The planet Uranus, one of the more remote planets we do not see with our naked eye, has a strange tilt to it, so it seems as though it rotates vertically instead of horizontally as the rest of the planets do.

Uranus is one of the bigger planets of our solar system, and one of the more distant ones. It is so far out in our solar system that it takes Uranus 88 years to complete one cycle around the Sun, (for comparison: Earth’s rotation around the Sun is one year). Due to its slow journey around the Sun, Uranus resides in each astrological realm for seven years! (And for comparison again: the Sun seems to us as moving from one realm to the next every month…) But although Uranus is very distant, so distant it can’t be seen by the naked eye, its astrological effect is strong. Very strong.

The God Uranus, after which the planet is named, was the primordial god who, according to Greek mythology, started all life on Earth. Uranus created people, monsters and other gods. But after a while he did not like what he saw. So he started devouring his own creations. Uranus needed to be stopped by his wife, Gaya (Earth), who hid her children in her belly. Later on, Uranus’s son Chronos (Saturn) imprisoned his father and started to create order in this new chaotic world.
Uranus is the primordial creator, creating new things out of thin air, a free and original spirit, yet very very unpredictable. On its darker side we can find randomness, destruction and chaos, but on its positive side we will find the essence of innovation and creativity.
These days as Uranus opposes Mercury (thought) and Mars (action) many ODD things can be said and done. We might feel uncomfortable, we might find ourselves behaving awkwardly, or hear people around us saying some strange stuff.

But there is some good news about Uranus’s opposition:
FIRST– it’s short. So however STRANGE things might get, it will all end in a week’s time.
SECOND – Uranus’s opposition period has a positive side to it, which if we know about we can connect to its energy: Uranus opposing Mercury and Mars enhances our creativity and originality. This is the time to think out of the box and “go wild” with new original thoughts and projects. This is a time to start new things, regardless of what other people may think. This is a time to go ahead with our projects and innovations not minding if other people find our actions or words strange or outrageous!
So – go forward with your originality, yet be mindful not to take things  to a too radical extreme. Keep your balance, don’t mind feeling awkward, and this time will be just great!

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