
Your Weekly Astrological Forecast, for March 5 to February 12

The Lake – For those Born Between March 14 – April 12

Jupiter and Venus are now both shining in your astrological realm! This unique conjunction is rare to occur in your astrological realm. It happens once every 12 years, and it is a very blessed conjunction! This is a special and unique time that brings with it luck and success in all areas of life. You might find doors opening before you these days, in a very smooth and almost effortless way. Jupiter and Venus also positively affect matters of the heart. The emotions are harmonious these days, and if you are seeking for it – love might come your way these days ! This is also a very creative time, filled with harmony and bliss.

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – Venus.

The Flame – For those Born Between April 13 – May 13

Venus’ and Jupiter’s conjunction helps you to ignite your imagination and your spiritual life. This is a very connected time, with the focus on the un-seen worlds that you are in-touch with.  You might be dreaming special dreams, and you have an acute intuition. This is a great time for writers and artists to find muse and be creative. Many things are now happening on a subconscious level that enables expansion and growth – the result of which will be seen further on, more towards your birthday time.

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – Venus.

The Key – For those Born Between May 14 – June 14

Venus and Jupiter are now influencing your vocation in a most positive way! This is a time of many big and important steps forward, to do with fulfilling your destiny. Doors open in a  very harmonious, almost effortless way. There is inspiration and there are new possibilities. There is much creativity in the air, and it feels that all you have to do is  follow your heart. This is a wonderful opportunity to go forward with your aims and dreams, and make them more actual.

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – Venus.

Exchange – For those Born Between June 15 – July 15

Venus and Jupiter conjunct in your astrological House of Work&Career, allowing special success and expansion in your field of work. Doors are opening, projects are proceeding and growing in the most positive way, with harmony and without much effort. You are especially lucky if your field of work has to do with the arts, or if you are planning to expand world-wide. This is also a great time for those considering  beginning a new job, as finding a job or starting one goes very smoothly these days.

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – Venus.

Giving – For those Born Between July 16 – August 15

Venus and Jupiter are now shining upon your astrological House of Travelling and Studying and are blessing everything to do with expanding your horizons. The heart wants to see and experience the world, to learn and travel. There is much excitement in the air and it is almost impossible to resist this urge to go out! Allow yourself this freedom as much as possible. Allow yourself to follow your heart these days. Trust your instincts to lead you to the right experiences, and discover a wondrous world, and a wondrous you.

 Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon – Venus.

Nobility – For those Born Between August 16 – Sept 15

Venus and Jupiter are now shining upon your ability to create real intimacy. They allow you to feel deeper emotions, and to express these emotions successfully. The conjunction between Venus and Jupiter these days also shines upon your spiritual quest – which is brighter and clearer.

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon this week in order to better connect to our feelings – Venus.

Abundance – For those Born Between Sept 16 – October 16

Jupiter, planet of success, and Venus – planet of Love – are now joining together in your astrological Hםuse of Love, affecting in a most positive way the arena of love. This special cosmic doorway opens only once every 12 years (!) and injects a special and sweet magic in to the realm of relationships. If you are seeking a new relationship – this is the time to find it in a most magical, harmonious almost effortless way. If there’s a need for a clean slate in your existing relationship or a need for a new approach inside of yourself towards love – this is the time for it to happen. Enjoy and be thankful for this special time!

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon this week in order to better connect to our feelings – Venus.

Creation – For those Born Between October 17- Nov 14

Jupiter’s and Venus’ conjunction is occurring in your House of Maintenance and Health this

week. This is not a simple place for the two planets to meet in, as this conjunction can highlight sensitivities and increase symptoms that occur due to emotional reasons. But it has its efficiency as the two planets, and the physical symptoms, might point out for you now, those areas and problems which are usually in the background and therefore were being neglected. Whatever comes forth now health-wise, signals you that it needs your care and attention. This is the time to take care of your health and pay it the highest respect and attention. This is the time to take care of YOU, be mindful of yourself and put yourself in  front for a change. Dealing with the core of things, with the emotional cause for physical symptoms – can help prevent these symptoms from re-occurring in the future.

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon this week in order to better connect to our feelings – Venus.

The Gate – For those Born Between November 15 – December 14

Jupiter’s and Venus’ conjunction is happening in your astrological House of Creativity. This is a great time for artists, filled with muse and the ability to act upon  inspiration, and the time to take your art outside to the world. But even if you don’t usually deal with arts, you might find these days filled with inspiration, and you might find yourself indulging in different arts, just for the fun of it, and for expanding skills. This is a great time of finding new talents and enjoying the creative side of life.

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon this week in order to better connect to our feelings – Venus.

Flexibility – For those Born Between December 15 – January 13

Jupiter and Venus are in conjunction in your astrological House of Family. This is a great time with to spend with your kin and to renew the connections; a time that expands the love and emotions; a time of doing many joyful things together and just having fun for the sake of fun – but also for the sake of getting closer together and expanding the relationships. Venus allows the family members to be in harmony with one another. It is a graceful time. And Jupiter enables you  to open a new clean slate where needed.

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon this week in order to better connect to our feelings – Venus.

The Diamond – For those Born Between January 14 – February 12

Jupiter and Venus are in conjunction in your astrological House of Communication, making it a great time for everything to do with communication, computers, lecturing, studying, publishing, socializing and advertising! This is a great time to meet new people in a harmonious way and to expand the range of ideas and reference. It is a good time to spread the word about your business – in a pleasant and harmonious way. This is a great time to indulge in writing and promote new and original ideas.

Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon this week in order to better connect to our feelings – Venus.

The Waterfall – For those Born Between February 13 – March 13

Jupiter and Venus are now in conjunction in your astrological House of Finance. This is the best astrological position possible for everything to do with finance, money and real-estate! This is also the best time to redecorate or expand your house. Businesses of all sorts are going great this week due to this conjunction!  For ladies this is a great time of learning to love your body and feel in harmony with it – which might be a huge opportunity for healing. Holistic Astrological Card to meditate upon this week in order to better connect to our feelings – Venus.

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