
Jupiter Enters the Realm of the Gate

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun, the biggest planet in our solar system and the only one that radiates more energy than it receives from the Sun, and therefore on its way to someday be a sun itself… In astrology it is known as the planet of good fortune and expansion.

Jupiter moves slowly in the sky, traveling the astrological realms, shifting one realm per year.  So Jupiter entering a new astrological realm is quite a happening!

These days Jupiter has entered a new astrological realm – the Realm of the Gate. From its current location Jupiter makes it easier on all of us to GO THROUGH GATES. And what does this mean? It means that during the coming year we will find it easier to take BIG LEAPS, and move into HIGHER OCTAVES, in all territories of life. It is going to be a time of BREAKTHROUGHS.  Not only for us, as individuals, but also on a global scale, because the more distant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) also affect global issues. So this is going to be a time of going through what was once closed doors, and reaching new octaves on a world-wide scale. (More about that will be written in the yearly forecast towards the entrance of 2019).

Together with the general influence of Jupiter, there is also a more specific influence, which you can read about in your weekly astrological column.

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