
The Great Priest and Grand Priestess Meet in the Sky

These Days the asteroid Vesta is in alignment to planet Saturn, and this happens in the Realm of Flexibility, which houses the Center of the Milky Way. Now, let’s try to take a look at each of these celestial ingredients to better understand the cosmic doorway that has now opened in the sky for us.

Most astrology fans know about Saturn, one of the largest planets in our solar system, second only to Jupiter.  Saturn is the father of over 60 moons and has frozen rings that surround him. In the Greek / Roman mythology,  Saturn (also known as Chronos) is the great keeper of time, master of order and creator of laws. He is also called “the Lord of Karma”, making sure that our actions are always met by a similar deed, and what might seem like  very strict punishment, is actually a manifestation of the natural law of “same goes to same”. And Saturn’s own story illustrates this law, as Saturn was the one to restrain his chaotic father Uranus, and later  got imprisoned by his own son, Jupiter. His own deeds came back to haunt him, and the restrainer became the prisoner.

But Saturn is not all bad. As tough as he is, Saturn is a very spiritual influence, as he influences the part in us that makes us committed and devoted to our tasks and our spiritual journey. He helps us to be true and want for little.

Vesta is a less known celestial body. She is a small asteroid which travels with her thousands of friends in the asteroids belt, only a few kilometers long, somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. The goddess Vesta was the Roman goddess of the fireplace. But it is not only the literal fire she is responsible for. Vesta is the Keeper of the Flame. The goddess Vesta and her Vestal Priestesses, devoted to her, were one of the main features of the temple and carried out some of the most valued functions in ancient Rome.

Every time a new city was built in the Roman Empire, first a temple was created in it. And to the temple a fire from the original Temple of Vesta in Rome, was brought. Then a few Vestal virgin priestesses were nominated to keep this fire burning and pure. This was the religious heart of each Roman city, connecting the people who lived here with the religious Roman flame.

In our own lives, Vesta is our inner priestess, the keeper of the inner and most sacred fire. She is the curator of the belief which allows us to keep aligned and true to our purest  essence and core.

The asteroid Vesta takes about 3.5 years to orbit the sun. Saturn competes his cycle around the sun every 30 years. And this means that about every 4 years the two are in alignment in the sky. This alignment is not visible to the naked eye, since Vesta is way too small for us to see without a telescope. But these days we can clearly see Saturn in the evening sky, and if we spot Saturn we can know that exactly in that direction, but a few good light minutes closer  to us – Vesta resides.


The alignment between Vesta and Saturn speaks of a very special opportunity to undergo a unique inner process of realignment. This is a time to reconnect and recommit to the higher spiritual part in us. This is a time to pledge our vows to our most sacred and pure core; the same part in us which always burns true; our inner flame, and is beyond the temptations of money, lust or fame. This is a time to re-embark on our spiritual quest and make sure we are true and pure again. This is the time to re-light the fire of our inner temple.

Vesta is in alignment to Saturn till October 12th.

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