Lately I have started to add some fixed stars to the astrological charts that I do. Usually the astrological chart consists of the constellations of the zodiac and the planets of our solar system. But we are actually influenced by more parts of the universe apart from this thin line of skies. The fixed stars never change their position, but in every personal chart they will be in another section of the chart, revealing much about long-term processes the person goes through during their life.
In the general forecast the fixed stars will only have an influence if they create an aspect with a quick-moving celestial body, such as the Moon, Sun or one of the planets.
These days the asteroid Vesta is in proximity to the star Algol, and this creates for us a unique cosmic opportunity that will last for several months.
So – do you want to hear more about Medusa meeting the priestess and then better understand this cosmic gateway?

Amongst the stars of the Perseus constellation there is an especially bright star that is called “Algol”. “The Devil”. This strange star is sometimes brighter, sometimes dimmer, very unpredictable and has from time to time bursts of light. Modern astronomers discovered that what seems to be one star is actually a system of three stars, that sometimes hide one another and at other times their lights unite to a stronger flame.
Perseus, the half-god Greek hero, had many adventures. Just as Hercules, he too had challenges to overcome. One of those challenges was to subdue the three gorgons. The gorgons were three hideous and vicious sisters. Their hair was snakes and whom ever looked at them – froze to stone.
Perseus received a precious tip from the gods telling him that two of the gorgons were immortal, but only one was mortal – Medusa. He also received a gift from the gods to help him in his endeavor – a shield so well made and polished that it reflected as a mirror.

Coming to his challenge with this knowledge and shield, Perseus knew exactly what to do. He approached the mortal sister and faced her with his shield. As Medusa looked at the mirror she herself became stone. Perseus not only defeated the three sisters, he also took Medusa’s head which helped him later on in his journey to overcome other enemies.
The three-headed star Algol is Medusa’s head in the hand of Perseus.
We can pause here and wonder how the ancient Greeks knew that Algol is related to a three-fold system…
Now, every mythological story holds in it a special truth that the ancient people tried to pass on from generation to generation. Perseus’ story might sound like a horror story we would not want to tell our children, perhaps a tale that suited earlier times, but actually it holds in it a gem worth noticing.
The story about Peruses overpowering Medusa tells about us overpowering our own demons. The first phase is about confronting our fears, bad traits or whatever our “demons” may be, to figure out what the problem is constituted of. Then break it down to smaller parts, and then find the part that we can confront. We can now look our demon in the eye till it freezes. And this means recognizing the problem, and bringing it out of our subconscious till it has no more hold upon us. Till we do not revert to it automatically.
In an interesting way, later on in our journey we might find that the problem/trait/habit we overcame actually brings us strength that empowers the rest of our journey and helps us in our future struggles.
For example – let’s say that in the past we had eating disorders. When looking into that we might find that we have an obsessive tendency in us. Perhaps the eating disorder is a too-big an issue to deal with, but we now can take a closer look at our obsessive part. Once we are aware of it, its hold upon us starts to loosen. Now we might want to understand that we have the trait in us, and use it in other, more positive directions, such as being thorough in our work, being committed in our spiritual quest or being a diligent mother. Our demon is now our strength, and we might find out that along the journey the eating disorder has less control upon us.
Each person has Algol in a different part of his or her personal chart, and it tells a different story.

These days Algol is active in the skies due to its proximity to the asteroid Vesta, and this opens before us a unique cosmic doorway for the next few months.
Vesta is the goddess the Roman priestesses deferred to. She represents the Great Priestess in us, and our spiritual and devotional life.
Vesta’s gentle light allows us to see and recognize with softness, and ease those demons in us, and bring them up to our awareness, later on to transform these demons to strengths. With Vesta’s presence the light that comes out of those reflected demons, and the strength they hold, can go directly towards helping our spiritual quest and having a more committed service life.