
The Coming Mars Retrograde

It is no secret that 2020 is one of the most intense years in the last decades. A shift in history. And astrology has much to do with it. As above- so below.

Another chapter is yet to be written in this special year. And this chapter will take place when Mars retrogrades,  between September 9th and November 14th.

It is interesting to notice that the four cosmic gateways of the year, the equinoxes and solstice, take a great part in the unfolding events. And that different calendars and cycles happen to be in synchronicity this year. A decade that started between two eclipses, a global lock down that started at the equinox (March 21st), the rise of global extremes with a combination of many retrogrades and a rare solar eclipse at the solstice (June 21st) and now – what will Mars retrograde at the autumn equinox (September 21st) bring?

Mars is the Roman War God. Its color is red and the symbol is a wolf. Since ancient times Mars was connected to the metal Iron. Now science has proven  that the reddish shade of the planet is a result of the concentration of iron in its soil. Mars is connected to our pumping blood system (also full of iron).

Mars pumps our blood in a repetitive, energizing way. It can help us set a goal and conquer it. It gives us energy and stamina. It can keep us going. Mars is the conduit of action. But it is also the God of War, and especially in its retrograde – we need to be aware of its lower sides, that will lead us into quarrels and fights .

Mars retrograde is the rarest amongst the planets’ retrogrades. It happens every two and a half years, and lasts two and a half months.

These days you can clearly see Mars rise in the east in the evening. It’s normal course will be seen more and more to the East each day. But starting September 9th,  you will be able to see it appear more and more to the West, instead. As if it wants to get closer to its two brothers, Saturn and Jupiter, in conjunction and beautifully seen in the skies – to the west of Mars.

So What’s Ahead?

First, it is actually important to know that we have 9 days in which action is very very positive. I would recommend fully going on  with your actions and projects. In the weekly forecast you will learn which of your astrological tribes  Mars is now positively influencing . It is better to do-do-do till September 9th, because when the retrograde will begin it will be much more difficult to take things on.

We should be aware that Mars retrograde will inflict more violence to the already restless situation the world is in. And might delay good actions that need to be taken..

Mars retrograde, as any retrograde, also has its up sides and unique opportunities, but that will be written about later on during the retrograde, when we need the positive boost 🙂

2 thoughts on “The Coming Mars Retrograde

  1. Here in Western North Carolina, I see Mars early predawn hours where Venus rises brightly. In the evening I see Jupiter, Saturn, barely Pluto and Uranus depending on the brightness of the Moon, Easier now with the waning Moon to see Uranus. I
    going out in predawn hours is breath taking as well as in the evening.

    Over time I have learned to talk to the planets …and stars…. I talk, speaking my heart… listen.. ask what it is I need to know. or, what is it I need to know about…whatever that might be. Paying attention is important. .

    I am born in the Gate with your Astrology as well as Mayan and Western Astrology. I am a Gate Keeper and walk both worlds.

    I appreciate your emails and welcome the next.

    Ruth Anne Brown

    1. Thank you dear Ruth Anne,
      I resonate with your passion of astrology and seeing the actual celestial bodies in the sky…

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